

Views: 13

Effect of the hydrogen/kerosene blend on the combustion characteristics and pollutant emissions in a mini jet engine under CDC conditions

In this CFD study conducted with the geometry of a mini gas turbine engine using kerosene as fuel, colorless distributed combustion...


Views: 21

Digital Twins and Sustainable Developments in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Since information and communication technologies have had such a profound impact on every part of our lives, the globe has undergone...


Views: 15

Sürdürülebilir ve Adil Bir Gıda Sistemine Geçiş Mümkün Olabilir Mi?

Küreselleşme ve bununla bağlantılı olarak ticarette serbestleşme uygulamalarının da etkisiyle dünya çapında çeşitli gıda...


Views: 6

An Analysis of Dalaman International Airport’s (LTBS) Noise Prediction Model and Assessment of its Noise Impact

Purpose: In this context, this study aims to obtain information about the noise levels emitted to the environment by modeling the noise map...


Views: 30

Orman Yangınına Sebep Olan Kriterlerin Bulanık Ortamda Değerlendirilmesi

Orman yangınları, çeşitli sebeplerle meydana gelebilir ve hızlı bir şekilde yayılabilir. Bu yüzden büyük çevre problemidir....


Views: 6

Imagining a Common Horizon for Humanity and the Planet

“Global problems, such as climate change and past and potential pandemics place a heavy burden on humanity and our planet. We need the...


Views: 19

Anaokulu Menülerinin İyileştirilmesi ve Yemek İsrafının Azaltılması: Kapadokya Üniversitesi Montessori Anaokulu Örneği

Toplu Beslenme Hizmeti (TBH), günümüzde oldukça yaygındır ve tam gün eğitim veren birçok anaokulu özellikle öğle yemeklerinde...


Views: 11

African Ecofeminist Environmentalism in Imbolo Mbue’s How Beautiful We Were

Imbolo Mbue’s How Beautiful We Were (2021), hereafter referred to as HBWW, is an ecologically conscious narrative which notably...


Views: 14

An Evaluation of the Environmental Problems of Burdur Lake Basin

Burdur Lake is a closed-basin lake, located in the Mediterranean region of Türkiye. In this study, the studies conducted in the Burdur...


Views: 8

Kıyı Alanlarında Biyolojik Çeşitlilik: Kapsam, Sorunlar, Tehditler

Sanayi Devrimi ve Aydınlanma ile birlikte ortaya çıkan ve uluslararası çapta gözlemlenmeye başlayan, insanın doğa üzerinde...


Views: 4

Examination of the Effect of the Pandemic on Physical Activity and Dysmenorrhea

Abstract Background: Dysmenorrhoea releated with body mass index -less than 20 kg/cm2, smoking, early menarche, longer menstrual cycles,...


Views: 7

Çevresel Kuşkuculuk: Çözümü İmkânsızlaştırmak?

Ekolojik sorunlarla mücadele edilmesi ve çözüm önerilerinin etkin bir şekilde hayata geçirilebilmesi için kamuoyu farkındalığı...


Views: 12

Afet sonrası geçici depo yeri seçimi ve çok araçlı araç rotalama uygulaması: Kırıkkale ilinde bir uygulama

Afetlerin ne zaman ve nerede meydana geleceği belli değildir. Bundan dolayı hem toplumsal yaşam kesintiye uğramakta hem de çevreye...


Views: 13

Türkiye’de Kent ve Çevre Yönetimi

Türkiye’de Kent ve Çevre Yönetimi başlığını taşıyan bu kitabı, Kapadokya Üniversitesi öğretim üyeleri olarak, bütüncül...


Views: 11

Anız Yangınlarına Müdahale için İtfaiye Drone Seçimi: Giresun Örneği

Dünya’da her gün bilinçsizce oluşturulan anız yangınları, geniş ölçekli yangınlara dönüşebilmektedir. Bu yangınların...


Views: 7

Ecotourism research: a bibliometric review

The paper aims to examine the trends and evolution of ecotourism research in the last 20 years, highlighting co-citations, collaborations,...


Views: 21

Geçmişte ve Günümüzde Lycium barbarum L.’un Kullanım Alanları

Solanaceae familyasına ait özellikle Lycium barbarum L. türünün meyvesi olarak bilinen “Goji berry”, besin değerinin yüksek...


Views: 13

Küresel Güney bağlamında iklim etiği ve iklim adaleti uygulamaları

İklim krizinden kaynaklanan sorunların salt teknik bir mesele olmamasının anlaşılmasıyla iklim krizinin oluşumunda ve bu krizin...


Views: 8

Climate Change Impacts on Potential Groundwater Recharge in the Palas Basin, Turkey

Climate change poses a major threat for sustainability of groundwater resources. In this study, we aimed to determine how climate change...


Views: 11

Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping Using DRASTIC Model: A Case Study at the Palas Basin in Turkey

The study aims to estimate groundwater vulnerability against pollution at the Palas Basin (Turkey) by using geographical information system...


Views: 62

Altın Çilek/Yer Kirazı (Physalis Peruviana L.) Meyvesinin Botanik Özellikleri ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri

Physalis peruviana, Patlıcangiller (Solanaceae) familyasının Physalis cinsine ait Güney Amerika’nın tropikal bölgelerinde doğal...


Views: 10

Optimization of Olive Oil Oleogel-Based Emulsion Composition: Effect of Oleogel Composition on Emulsion Characteristics

In this study, the effects of oil, water, glycerol monostearate, carrageenan and alginate concentrations, which have a significant effect...


Views: 9

Electrospinning of Fatty Acid-Based and Metal Incorporated Polymers for the Fabrication of Eco-Friendly Fibers

Accumulation of plastic wastes occupies large space in gyres of the oceans called the 7th continent. This high-level concentration of...


Views: 9

Entangled Stories of Life: Narrative Agencies and “Ethics of Worlding” in the Quantum Realm

The foundational principle of quantum physics is the notion of entanglement, which can best be described as the ontological inseparability...


Views: 15

Trees of Our Times: Representing Arboreal Temporalities in Ali Smith’s Autumn and Richard Powers’ The Overstory

This paper examines the nature of tree time and how it is represented in Ali Smith’s Autumn (2016) and Richard Powers’ The Overstory...


Views: 6

Citizen Sensing with Soil, and the Intimate Alterity of Narrative Distance

New forms of ecological citizenship are emerging. As people wake up to an ecologically damaged world, while simultaneously experiencing the...


Views: 7

Green Airport building certification comparison: a practical approach for Airport Management

In this study, six certificates have proposed and three of them used by airport terminal building to analyze, measure, and score...


Views: 5

Territorial Governance and Environmental Protection Volume 1

As Cappadocia University, we are very much honored to publish this important contribution to the literature. The author, Professor Ruşen...


Views: 9

ICT Pandemic Time Adoption and Immersive Technologies: A Comprehensive Review

It was not until recently that we could imagine immersive technology’s popularity would be raised and adaptability would reshape almost...


Views: 5

Aviation Carbon Accounting for Climate Change Mitigation: The Case of Turkey

Abstract: Global Warming has become one of the biggest challenges of our World. Aviation Industry as a major contributor, is expected to...


Views: 10

Water, Energy and Environment in Eurasia

The Eurasian region has been characterized by growing water, energy and environmental challenges.  This book intends to provide...


Views: 8

Green and cost-effective synthesis of zinc oxide thin films by L-ascorbic acid (AA) and their potential for electronics and antibacterial applications

The evolution of eco-friendly, green route and cheap technology for synthesizing nanostructured zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films using...
